Minggu, 11 April 2010

First aid on your mobile phone virus

First aid on your mobile phone virus Label: Tips and Tricks

Hello friends how are you today ? Viruses on your mobile phone , whether you've been there? Do not...

Hello friends how are you today ?
Viruses on your mobile phone, whether you've been there? Do not panic, you should do for the first time is a way to Enable safe mode and turn off your cell phone while pressing the pencil button. This is done to restrain the effects of the virus for a while. Then your handphone analysis of symptoms, because this will determine the next step. There are several symptoms of a cell phone virus, namely:

- If phone constantly sending MMS or SMS message, it's most likely caused by a virus beselo.
- If your mobile phone often die alone. And difficult to boot (showing a state of siege), then this is a symptom comwarior.

To overcome these two virus download antivirus those in :
Click HERE to download 

- Turn on bluetooth mobile phone constantly causing your batteries run out quickly, then the problem is caused by the Lasco virus, to resolve do the following:
1. Install a file manager in the mobile application.
2. Enable the option to be able to view the files contained in the system folder.
3. Find the directory \ system \ apps \ Velasco in drive A to Y.
4. Delete files velasco.app, velasco.rsc, and marcos.mdl from \ system \ apps \ Velasco.
5. Go to the C: \ System \ SYMBIANSECUREDATA \ Velasco.
6. Delete files velasco.app, velasco.rsc, and velasco.sis.
7. Go to the directory c: \ system \ recogs
8. Delete files marcos.mdl.
9. Go to the directory: \ system \ installs
10.Hapus velasco.sis

- Mobile phone display the message or the message as follows:
App. Closed

This means that mobile phones have got a virus locknut. How to eliminate Locknut as follows:
1. Open the file manager application like fileman, Fexplorer ata Xplorer.
2. Find the folder \ SYSTEM \ APPS \ GAVNO from drive A to Y.
3. Delete files GAVNO_CAPTION.RSC, GAVNO.RSC, and GAVNO.APP from the folder \ GAVNO.
4. Find the folder \ system \ apps \ Caribe from drive A to Y.
5. Delete files caribe.APP, caribe.RSC, FLO.MDL from the folder \ Caribe
6. Go to the folder C: \ system \ caribesecuritymanager.
7. Delete files Caribe.APP, Caribe.RSC, and CARIBE.SIS
8. Go to the folder C: \ System \ SYMBIANSECUREDATA \ caribesecuritymanager
10.Go to the folder C: \ SYSTEM \ RECOGS
11.Delete FLO.MDL file
12.go to folder C: \
13.Delete FLO.MDL file
14. Go to the folder C: \ SYSTEM \ installs
15. Delete caribe.sis, patch.sis, patch_v1.sis, patch_v2.sis
If you can not delete files caribe.rsc, restart phone and try deleting again.

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